AAPEX 2019

Temel Gaskets 

Temel Gaskets Becomes a Member of the American Turkish Council

 Actively participating in industry events and continuously working towards the goal of further promoting trade between the U.S. and Turkey, Temel joins a platform with a 36 years successful track record. American Turkish Council (ATC) is the premier group bringing industry-leading companies and its executives together. The members include companies from the defense industry, agricultural and has been growing strongly in the automotive industry with the recent interest. Temel has become one of the most members and attended the 36th annual conference in Washington DC.

Temel Gaskets Becomes a Member of the American Turkish Council

In their own words, the ATC is described as “a leading independent business organization, exists to help member companies achieve their bilateral business and investment objectives and to facilitate stronger U.S.-Turkey relations. Our diverse membership includes Fortune 500s, multinationals, and the U.S. and Turkey-based small and medium-sized enterprises from multiple sectors. Equipped with decades of experience, expertise, and an influential network, the ATC provides its member community with opportunities, services, and programs designed to resolve business challenges and strengthen linkages between the two countries.”

We are pleased to become a part of such a successful community and looking forward being engaged in future activities.

Read also: The Second Hometown of Temel Gaskets