ASPE 2018


DIP , the continuous pumping


The lift station of the Future has a name : DIP System. Safe, efficient, economic and ecological, this new technology has already been adopted by numerous communities. In East of Var (South of France) where Veolia made it a specialty.


Since a little while already, Veolia garners a large number of new contracts in East of Var for implementation of lift stations. Some ten in all. A new station is actually in work at the place called «» in Frejus. This success owes nothing to chance. On the contrary, it is thanks to the know-how of the Frejus factory service. With 4 years of experience, it is an expert in a technology combining innovation, competitiveness and reliability : the DIP System , Direct In-lin Pump System. The process is simple, efficient and competitive. It is quite simply an in-line pumping process.
In a traditional lift station, in order to avoid pumps to run dry during low flow period, effluents are stored in a collection tank.  A solution that has two negative impacts . On one hand, the earthwork cost : we need to dig down on minimum 6 meters to bury this wet well. On the other hand, the stagnation of wastewater : it causes off-gassing, odor nuisance, infrastucture erosion and materials erosion. The DIP system avoids all those inconveniences allowing a continuous in-line pumping.

A performance gain

How does it work ?  A level sensor measures the inflow continuously and informs the regulation control cabinet. This one adapts automatically the electrical power of the device. All the materials have been designed to fit perfectly this kind of operation, even in difficult conditions The system manages easily high level of flow fluctuations. If inflow is below minimum pumping level, pumping is done intermittently. In case of no flow, the machine will stop totally. Solid and fibrous bodies, such as cans, plastic bottles, wipes or bandages can as well go through without blocking the pumps.  Finally, the proportion of gas transported can reach up to 10% of fluid flow  without running the risk of failure to prime. This great reliability is an undeniable asset of the system. And there are many others… Simplification of civil engineering. Groundworks require minimum one meter less in dig depth and less concrete poured than a traditional lift station. It costs then less to build. It takes up less space as well. Its maintenance is easy : the absence of wet well prevents from cleaning and allows easy and safe access to the facility. DIP System allows many savings on energy as well as on replacement of equipments, less subject to wear. On one condition though : that the setting of this high-tech device has been optimized from the beginning. This is one of the great strength of Veolia in general and of its team from Var in particular. Being one the first users of this process, the company developped an outstanding expertise allowing it to take the most of the device. In the Var, it even increased its competitiveness by coupling it with an outside prefabricated struture designed by the company EPCO. This specialist of EDF power transformers designed a 20 tonnes shelter, easy and quick to install, superbly finished and outstanding in its landscaping integration. Another good reason to move forward to DIP System.

                                                                                              Author : Philipe Chaniol - translated by V. Joguet

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