HD Expo 2019

No Stay 

No Stay - A Service To Better Manage Risk When Dealing With Bookings

It was our many years of dealing with guests that inspired us to create NO STAY, a service designed to assist the holiday accommodation industry to better manage risk when accepting bookings. Our Directors have over 30 years experience as owner/operators in the motel, holiday accommodation and rental industry. It was estimated that loss and damage caused by guests averaged between $3,000 to $5,000 dollars per room per annum. This cost is significant, as most damage done to hotel rooms and holiday accommodation is under the insurance excess threshhold and cannot be claimed. Not only is there the costs associated with repairing damage by guests, there is the time spent by staff arranging repairs and clean-up of the room/s. Not only is this counter productive, it takes valuable time away from you and your staff. Utilising our services will give the holiday accommodation industry access to a wide database to screen guests.