AOC Symposium & Convention 2018

Procitec GmbH 

Booth 421


PROCITEC GmbH specialises in the development of technologies and software for the detection, analysis and interception of wireless communication.

Our product linego2SIGNALS offers ready-to-use, ‘off-the-shelf’ available and freely configurable products and system components for signal monitoring and signal analysis, with an outstanding processing speed and user-friendliness - from a single user working position to a fully automated intelligence systems.

go2MONITOR – Advanced concept for HF-VHF-UHF data protocol decoding including SDR control, recording, wideband classification and decoding.

go2DECODE – Versatile HF-VHF-UHF decoder including advanced tools for technical analysis and decoder development.

go2ANALYSE - Toolset for the analysis of bit streams and code characteristics offering various statistical, mathematical and manipulative functions.

Product Categories

EW Training
- EW Training Software Development

Signals Intelligence (General)
- Complete COMINT Systems
- SIGINT Software Development
- SIGINT System Integration
- Signal Analysis Systems
- Signal Processing Systems