Parker Seminar Las Vegas 2019


Booth 305

Dallas, TX  
      United States

If you believe that necessity is the mother of invention, then you will want to see Treadlar™!  After a car accident, Richard our inventor, found that existing massagers did not offer the needed flexibility or safety desired, so he set out to design a new concept.  Through consultation with chiropractors, trainers, and other engineers, he was able to bring the Treadlar™ to life. With 32 easily interchangeable massage tools and adjustable speeds, it is designed to work with all levels of massage.  The benefits of the lightweight, powerful unit are the ease of targeting areas and the speed to feel results. The tools are engineered with sizes, shapes, and densities to simulate using the elbow, hand heel, thumb or fingers. Picking the proper tool is made simple by our color coding, ranging from the softest, yellow, to the firmest, grey.  Our unique base provides a safe, consistent massage without over working your hands and wrists. The Treadlar™ is built with you in mind.

Product Categories

- Massagers