UTC Telecom & Technology 2019

Black & Veatch 

Booth 615

Overland Park, KS  
      United States

The proud sponsor of the Smart Systems for Smart Communities Symposium, Black & Veatch can help mark the path to grid modernization, where to start, where to end and the best way to get there.  As a utility's guide, we provide the people, processes and tools to help ready their networks, substations and distribution assets for advanced monitoring, control and optimization.  Visit Booth 615 to learn how we help utilities design and build the next generation grid system.  Black & Veatch focuses on a system of systems approach to grid modernization ensuring complete integration of grid applications from the end user to the control center.   Decentralization and electrification of transportation are requiring real-time visibility and control of the grid enabled by high-speed broadband networks, advanced applications and management systems.  Black & Veatch has developed specialized solutions to modernize the distribution system including, Atonix's Program Navigator, a program management tool specifically designed for distributed infrastructure, Field Area Network Solutions, Integrated Distribution Automation Delivery and Smart Utility Planning.

Product Categories

- Beyond The Meter
- Corporate
- Cybersecurity
- Grid
- Operations
- Telecommunications