SVC TechCon 2017


Booth 517


robeko GmbH & Co. KG is a German technology provider of process components, materials and services for thin film deposition. We proudly represent US companies in Europe as well as offering own products, the Microwave Plasma Source MIRO-200 to the world market. Our application lab is equipped with three different kinds of sputtering machines as well as analytics equipment for thin film characterization.

At SVC we will feature the following of our products:

  • High power microwave plasma source MIRO-200 for PECVD and Hybrid (PVD/PECVD) processes and pretreatment. Features:

    • DN200ISO Flange

    • Durable and stable Argon plasma even at 2kW power

    • Low energy plasma <10eV Ion energy

    • Runs with Oxygen, C2H2, HMDSO, HMDS, as reactive gas or precursor

    • PECVD process for optical coatings and DLC

  • Magpuls bipolar HIPIMS power supplies. Features:

    • Bipolar HIPIMS mode

    • Proprietary 4-C-S arc suppression technology

    • Up to 8 different operation modes

    • Power up to 90 kW

    • Programmabel Pulse Pattern

  • Process development and contract coating

    • Coating of plastic substrates by PVD & PECVD

    • Optical gradients by PECVD

    • Contact layers


Product Categories

Coatings/treatments for specific markets
- Automotive
- Hard coating
- Tribological

Contract Services
- Deposition

Ion/Plasma Sources
- Gridless

Power Supplies
- Pulsed power, bipolar

Vacuum/Plasma Systems

Vaporization Materials
- Sputtering targets

Vaporization Sources
- Sputtering