WOCN® Society’s 50th Annual Conference

Trinity Guardion LLC 

Booth 557

Batesville, IN  
      United States

Trinity Guardion is addressing one of the most serious health crises today; the rise of hospital-associated infections (HAIs). HAIs lead to more than 720,000 illnesses and 75,000 deaths a year. HAIs are also a huge financial burden, adding $30 billion to annual healthcare costs. In hospitals and healthcare facilities, patient beds are contaminated. Poorly sanitized beds result in the spread of hospital-associated infections (HAIs) such as C. diff, MRSA, e. coli and staph. Every year, more than 720,000 patients experience these and other infections, and tens of thousands die.

The American-made Trinity Guardion® Protective Patient Barrier gives hospitals a cost-effective, proven solution to help reduce HAIs. Launderable, reusable, and eco-friendly, the fluid-proof covers are custom-fit for specific therapeutic hospital beds, pillows, stretchers and physical therapy tables. Unlike the typical hard-surface disinfectant agents being used to reduce bioburden on soft mattress surfaces today, the Trinity Guardion barrier prevents bacteria from reaching the porous surface of the mattress and bed deck, and also prevents pathogens on the mattress surfaces from reaching the current bed occupant. When laundered to CDC standards, the Trinity System removes 99.99% of bacteria and has been proven to reduce C. diff infection rates by about 50%.The Trinity Guardion microbarrier and bed turnover process offer numerous benefits to healthcare providers:

Improved patient safety. Disinfection method that addresses C.diff spores on patient surfaces, will not cause pressure ulcers or cause any harmful impact on patient skin.

A sustainable and repeatable procedure.  The Trinity Guardion microbarrier application, removal and laundering steps comprise a process that can be done the same way every time, resulting in consistently clean mattresses, pillows, stretchers and physical therapy tables.

Easy use. Putting on and taking off the barrier cover typically takes about 90 seconds after minimal training.

Environmentally friendly design. The microbarriers are reusable up to 150 times, so are more eco-friendly and economical than disposable wipes.

Less wear and tear on mattress inventory. Trinity Guardion’s microbarriers reduce the need for strong disinfectants to clean the mattress, resulting in extended mattress/cover life and cost savings.

Product Categories

- Beds
- Protectors

Support Surfaces
- Support Surfaces

Wound Care
- Cleaners
- Skin Care