WOCN® Society’s 50th Annual Conference

Medical Solutions Supplier 

Booth 255

Glen Mills, PA  
      United States

Medical Solutions Supplier is the leading supplier of Pneumatic Compression Pumps in the United States of America.  Medical Solutions works directly with medical professionals from across the country who treat patients suffering from chronic conditions such as edema, lymphedema and complications associated with venous disorders such as Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI).  After therapies such as Manual Lymph Drainage have done their work to open the channels to evacuate fluid and reduce swelling, compression therapy pumps continue this process for longer periods of time in a highly controlled fashion, giving you better overall results with your patients.  Throughout the process we work with you as a partner in the health, healing and wellbeing of your patient.   Please visit our website at www.medsolsupplier.com for product information, clinical studies and patient testimonials.

Product Categories

- Compression

- Pressure

- Software/Hardware

Wound Care
- Skin Care