MCEE 2019

Loue Froid 

Booth 857


In the Big Top, the boiler room, on the film set or computer room, when the temperature rises, production goes down. With HVAC RENTALS on the job, before long everything is cool again.

HVAC RENTALS is an air and temperature control specialist with over 35 years of proven experience. With leading brand name products and the specialized expertise to design, service and repair air and temperature control systems, we create a customized solution that sends the mercury down and productivity up.

If air and temperature control are crucial to your business, then HVAC RENTALS is the company you need.

From the office to special effects for the film industry – with dozens of heat, cold and humidity applications in between – HVAC RENTALS has what it takes to provide you with creative, reliable solutions every time.


Product Categories

- Alimentation d'urgence / Emergency Power
- Chaudières et accessoires / Boilers , Accessories
- Chauffage électrique / Electric Heating
- Climatiseurs / Air Conditioning Units
- Déshumidificateurs / Dehumidifiers
- Entreprises de services / Services to Companies
- Groupes électrogènes / Generator Set
- Humidificateurs / Humidifiers
- Systèmes de réfrigération / Refrigeration Systems
- Ventilation / Ventilation