CSS 2017 & Seed Expo

XiteBio Technologies Inc. 

Booth 701

Winnipeg, MB  

XiteBio Technologies Inc. is a dynamic biotechnology company engaged in microbial technology for Canada, US, European, and South American markets.  XiteBio thrives on IRD (Innovation, Research & Development) to create environmentally friendly next generation technology for sustainable agriculture.

XiteBio develops microbial supplements (inoculants, biofertilizers, additives, plant growth regulators), biopesticides and organic fertilizers.  These innovative, efficacious, and cost-competitive products benefit farmers’ bottom line.  XiteBio values partnership and collaboration for marketing their novel product lines and provides their customers with unique products and services that increase agriculture production at a reduced input cost in an eco-friendly manner.  Current commercial products: SoyRhizo inoculant for soybean, PulseRhizo inoculant for pea, lentil and faba bean. and Yield+ biologicals for canola, corn, wheat, barley and legumes. For more information: www.xitebio.ca.

Product Categories

Seed Enhancement
- Seed Enhancement

Seed Treatment Products/Services
- Seed Treatment Products/Services