Surf Expo January 2020

Sand Socks, Inc. 

Booth 1627

Buda, TX  
      United States

SAND SOCKS, invented by Vincere Sports in 1994, were the first and continue to be the best. Our improvements over time result in the next generation in outdoor sportswear.

SAND SOCKS provide performance and protection for today’s beach and water sports athletes. These performance socks have an Action Flex Sole and stretch neoprene toes, heels, insolate your feet from hot, cold, gritty, or abrasive surfaces. Sand Socks are made for hot or cold sand, or in or out of water. Engineered for comfort and performance, the Sand Socks feel great on your feet!

Product Categories

- Athletic Apparel/ Yoga/ Performance
- Footwear
- Resort (Better- $19.01 and above)
- Resort (Moderate - $19 and under)
- SUP/Paddle Boards & Accessories