2016 Seatrade Cruise Global

Guadeloupe Islands Tourism Authority 

Booth 221


Guadeloupe destination is an archipelago made of 5 islands named Basse-Terre, Grande-Terre, Marie-Galante, Les Saintes and La Désirade. Each of them offers tourist trips hosting a range of activities, marine, natural, cultural activities, but also outdoors activities. It also offers cruise holiday from Pointe à Pitre in the Caribbean.
2014-2015 season, nearly 140 stops with 71 double and 3 triple stops. It is two times more than last season, so Guadeloupe Tourism Island board and other partners are working to make this season be better.
Throughout the recent years many projects of improvements in this area have been developed. In order to always satisfy our visitors, making the device more attractive to cruise companies and increase the quality of welcome in Port Guadeloupe Caribbean.

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