Parker Seminars Las Vegas 2020

BioFlex Laser Therapy 

Booth 639

Toronto, ON  

Meditech International Inc. initiated research into the development of Laser Therapy devices in 1989. Incorporating its patented, proprietary technology, Meditech designs, manufactures, markets and treats with the BioFlex Laser Therapy system. The goal of the company is to engineer devices that are superior to those in existence and scientifically develop accurate, effective protocols to treat a variety of medical conditions in the musculoskeletal field.

The company also conducts extensive clinical research with the objective of expanding the scope of application of these devices, particularly in conditions where current medical approaches are ineffective. BioFlex is the most advanced laser therapy system available and is designed as a non-invasive, non-toxic therapy for a wide variety of medical conditions, including soft tissue injuries, arthritis, wound healing, repetitive motion and sports injuries.

BioFlex systems are operative in over 50 countries worldwide and have been termed the gold standard in the industry. The corporate headquarters are located in Toronto, Ontario.

Product Categories

- Laser
- Modalities/Energy Healing