Parker Seminars Las Vegas 2020


Booth 312

Los Angeles, CA  
      United States

The molecule NAD is constantly being consumed and created by cells and its levels have been shown to decline as we age. Its dwindling levels may be directly related to how we experience aging. Beyond declining with age, NAD is linked to healthy aging because of the vital role it plays in both energy production, and the optimal function of our cells’ powerhouses (the mitochondria). More broadly, NAD supports healthy cellular metabolism. The molecule NAD helps practically every process by which cells break down food and build up molecules like fats, DNA, and hormones.

The patented NR (nicotinamide riboside) found in Tru Niagen® uses a specific pathway to increase NAD levels, one that no other NAD precursor uses.

The largest trial of NR recently published further validates the safety and efficacy of Tru Niagen®. With a recommended daily serving size of 300 mg, those in the study who took such a dosage experienced on average a 40-50% increase in whole blood NAD by the end of the eight-week study.

Product Categories

- Nutrition