NASS 2019 Annual Meeting

Kuros Biosciences 

Booth 4830


Everyone with an interest in Spine research is talking about the “what” of surface topography & bone formation; Kuros are the first to figure out the “why

With over 30 peer-reviewed publications on surface-driven bone formation, we're confident as leaders in the science of orthobiology. 150 years cumulative research has delivered a bone graft that harnesses osteoimmunology to provide uniform, strong, stable and reliable fusions.

Visit our booth (#4830) to find out more about MagnetOs bone graft. 

Vist our website to find out more about Kuros:

Product Categories

- Bone Graft Matrix
- Bone Substitute Material
- Synthetic Bone Graft Substitute

Business to Business
- Business to Business
- Materials Supplier

- Spine Fusion

- Biomaterials

Spine Biologics
- Bone Substitutes and Machined Bones