NASS 2019 Annual Meeting

Legally Mine 

Booth 4036

Orem, UT  
      United States

Asset Protection, Both Professional and Personal, Medical License Protection, Lawsuit Prevention & Tax Reduction

Legally Mine is the largest, most respected, experienced, and comprehensive Asset Protection and Lawsuit Prevention company in America. We provide specialized consulting, packages and tools to help businesses, practices and individual medical professionals manage their risk of a lawsuit. We proactively work to protect each doctor's medical license from being tarnished in any way, and with our structure in place, we save thousands of dollars in taxes every single year for each of our clients. 

Product Categories

- Education—Patient and Physician
- Physician Education

Business to Business
- Business to Business
- Marketing Services

Consulting Services
- Marketing Services

- Education—Patient and Physician
- Physician Education
- Procedural Education

- Banking
- Estate Planning
- Insurance
- Retirement Planning
- Tax-exempt Investments
- Wealth Management

Practice Management
- Consulting Services
- Marketing Services

- Scientific Journal
- Strategic Intelligence

- Health Care Practitioners
- Sales Representatives

Surgery Center Management/ Development
- ASC Management/Development
- Facility Planning
- Marketing Services
- Surgery Center Management/Development