AISTech 2017

Extrel CMS, LLC 

Booth 1150

      United States

Extrel is the world's leading manufacturer of Reseach and Process Mass Spectrometers, Residual Gas Analyzers (RGA's), Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Systems and Components.   Our instruments are known for their high performance, reliability, and flexibility.  Extrel's global customers receive the most comprehensive application, technical, and onsite support in the industry.

The Extrel MAX300 Process Mass Spectrometers are the seventh generation of high performance, online quadrupole mass spectrometers.  The MAX300 analyzers have a large worldwide installed base in a variety of markets and applications including: steel, hydrocarbon processing, pharmaceutical, and semiconductor.  The MAX300 IG provides real time gas analysis for steel processes such as basic oxygen process, vacuum oxygen decarburization and blast furnaces.  

Product Categories

- Metallurgy - Steelmaking & Casting
- Project & Construction Management