2019 Pittsburgh AISTech

Jordan Transformer 

Booth 313

      United States

Jordan Transformer specializes in remanufacturing, rewinding and repairing Substation transformers, as well as Mobile Substation, GSU, Auxiliary, Station Power, Start-Up, and Furnace transformers up to 200 MVA and 161 kV.  Additionally, Jordan Transformer now designs and manufactures entirely NEW Mobile Substations, Mobile Transformers, and Mobile Regulator trailers. Our testing is conducted per ANSI/IEEE Standards including Impulse, Partial Discharge and Temperature Rise Tests. We offer full Field Service capabilities including turnkey projects, oil processing, new installations, gasket repair, LTC repair and more. We purchase used electrically good and failed transformers to be either remanufactured or reconditioned and subsequently resold.

Product Categories

- Electrical Applications
- Energy & Utilities
- Maintenance & Reliability