Sensors Expo 2016


Booth 733


Libelium designs and manufactures wireless sensor network devices so that system integrators, engineering, and consultancy companies can deliver reliable Internet of Things (IoT), M2M and Smart Cities solutions with minimum time to market.

Waspmote—Libelium’s open wireless sensor platform—is modular, easy to deploy and ready to integrate with third-party Cloud systems such as Microsoft, Esri, ThingWorx, or MQTT.

Over 2,000 developers from 75 countries in companies ranging from startups to universities to large international corporations have adopted Libelium’s hardware and software technology for projects in North America, Australia, Asia and Europe.

Commercial deployments based on Waspmote include applications as varied as smart parking, environmental monitoring, and precision agriculture.

Established in 2006, Libelium is privately held and has headquarters in Zaragoza, Spain.

Product Categories

- Automation Sensors
- Internet of Things
- Networking and Communications
- Sensors/System Components
- Wireless