Summer Fancy Food Show 2016

Beans Group Foods Science And Technology Co.,LTD. 

Booth 3511

Taoyuan, Nankan  

Many foods today still contain additives, for example, E numbers, food colouring, or artificial flavoring.

These additives may remain in our bodies long after eating the food and they may eventually cause damage to our bodies. 

The same goes for the environment - many growers use pesticides and other chemicals on their crops. 

Many of these, used to grow foods, may damage the environment. 

In the past, consumers had no choice but to accept this.However, our founder, Mr Hung, Ying Yao, decided to devote his life to researching and manufacturing harmless, healthy and delicious snacks. These products are not for profit but to give consumers a healthier choice than other products currently on the market.

Using only ed natural fruits and nuts and a special technique to preserve their original taste and nutritional value, our goals is to offer consumers natural, healthy and delicious products.

Product Categories

Baked Goods
- Crackers

- Candy: Other Candy

- Gluten-Free
- Halal
- Organic/Natural

- Nuts
- Puffed Snacks

- Dried Fruit