Summer Fancy Food Show 2016


Booth 3639

SCORDIA, Italy  

Oranfrizer is one of the most well-known Italian company for growing and supplying citrus fruits above all blood oranges (Tarocco, Moro, Snaguinello). The company also produce and exports 100% NFC citrus juices (blood orange, regular orange, mandarin, lemon, organic blood orange, organic citrus mix).

Oranfrizer participates in this exhibition within the project funded by the European Union and Italy "Delicious: The Best Fruit and Vegetables from Europe.” The Project  aims at enhancing the image of EU fruit and vegetable products, promoting and increasing their consumption abroad focusing on EU fruit and vegetable consumption as key elements of the Mediterranean Diet; Raising the awareness about the quality requirements of fruit and vegetable produce and their importance in terms of health and well-being; Raising the awareness about reduced environmental impact fruit and vegetable production techniques and the European Union protected origin system (DOP/IGP), as a system for protecting a thousand-year-old production culture and history.

For further information visit the website 

Product Categories

- Cold Non-Carbonated Beverages: Juice/Cider

- Other Frozen

- Other Vegetables/Fruit