Summer Fancy Food Show 2016

Modern Trade Technologies 

Booth 3453


Preserved vegetables and fruits from Veres, made using traditional home recipes, are sold in over 20 countries of the world. The range of our foods includes over 100 names of high-quality products.

We are proud to work with our distributors worldwide.

Competitive advantages:

- High awareness of the Veres brand, the leader of food market in East Europe;

- Quality control at 7 stages, from garden to finished products;

- Only natural ingredients, no artificial additives and  flavors;

- Traditional Ukrainian recipes home-made preservation  – «Taste like at home»

- Reputation as a stable and reliable company, confirmed by the confidence of customers;

- Experienced and qualified stuff, enthusiastic in their work;

- More than 30 Ukrainian and Russian awards for product quality and innovation;

- Stable partnerships with international retailers, such as: Auchan, METRO Group, REWE Group

Product Categories

- Gluten-Free
- Kosher
- Organic/Natural
- Vegetarian

Spreads & Syrups
- Jams

- Canned or Preserved Vegetables/Fruit
- Other Vegetables/Fruit
- Pickles & Pickled Vegetables