Summer Fancy Food Show 2016

Rhythm Superfoods LLC 

Booth 4551

Austin, TX  
      United States

Rhythm® Superfoods is a brand at the forefront of the healthy food movement, responding to the public demand for innovative, plant-based nutrient-dense snacks with its first-to-market Rhythm® Kale Chips and most recently its Broccoli Bites™, Roasted Kale and Beet Chips. Founded in 2009, Rhythm® Superfoods is dedicated to using only the best ingredients to create its superfood snacks. Available nationally in retail outlets such as Whole Foods, Sprouts, Kroger, Stop & Shop, Publix, Albertsons, Safeway and Costco, the brand offers great-tasting snacks that are just as applicable to a strict vegan diet as they are to a more conventional food regimen. For more information on Rhythm® Superfoods please visit

Product Categories

Baked Goods
- Gluten-Free

- Dairy-Free
- Gluten-Free
- Organic/Natural
- Vegetarian

- Chips
- Other Snacks

- Other Vegetables/Fruit