Summer Fancy Food Show 2016

Epic Source Food Company LLC 

Booth 473

Frisco, TX  
      United States

LaLoo’s Goat's Milk Ice Cream is rich, creamy and indulgent, yet natural and wholesome. Signature flavors include Vanilla Snowflake, Deep Chocolate, Rumplemint and Capraccino now with market leading flavors including Sea Salt Caramel, Mystic Strawberry and Capraccino Almond Fudge. With gourmet ingredients such as Madgascar vanilla, Scharffen Berger chocolate,vine ripened strawberries and Black Mission figs, there’s true love in every flavor.  The bold flavor in the Capraccino comes from fresh Italian express beans, roasted weeks before being shipped for production. All of the flavors are stellar stand-alones or fantastic for pairing with fresh fruits, nuts, maple syrup, coconut flakes and scores of other delicious toppings. 

Our Company was designed to reflect the healthy goodness that goat milk provides, delicious and easier to digest and lower in fat than cow’s milk ice cream. Our efforts to continually work to perfect a true dairy alternative for those with lactose sensitive issues and a taste that satisfies all ice cream lovers: Our Motto is "We Take the Goat out of Goat Milk", stop by and taste why!

Product Categories

Dairy and Eggs
- Other Dairy and Eggs

- Frozen Desserts
- Ice Cream/Sorbet

- Fair Trade
- Kosher
- Other Lifestyle

- Other Snacks