Summer Fancy Food Show 2016

Crio Inc. 

Booth 2070

Lindon, UT  
      United States

Health by chocolate?  It sounds too good to be true right? Believe it!  For thousands of years, the inhabitants of Central America prepared a raw chocolate drink from ka'kao called chocolatl.  Served to kings in golden cups, the ancients knew of its power to energize and rejuvenate.

The cocoa bean is one of nature's most amazing superfoods, bursting with antioxidants, minerals, and incredible health promoting properties.  Crio Bru was created to bring the world these benefits without all the added fat and sugar you get in chocolate.  Our proprietary harvesting techniques combined with perfected roasting profiles preserve the innate nutritional profile of this divine offering while unlocking intense and complex flavors.

Crio Bru is 100% ground cocoa beans and can be prepared any way that you prepare coffee.  It has zero fat, zero sugar, and only 10 calories per serving.

Also introducing our Artisan Chocolate Line, Durci.  Natural, superior cocoa beans from the fertile farmlands of South and Central America

Product Categories

- Hot Beverages: Coffee
- Hot Beverages: Other Hot Beverages

- Chocolate: Chocolate Bars
- Chocolate: Full Line

- Gluten-Free
- Organic/Natural