NADA 2023

1Micro Key Management 

Booth 501

Waconia, MN  
      United States

1Micro dominated 2022 with an automotive specific solution for your dealership. The KeyMaster is ready to drastically improve key control in your operations, customer experience, and employee efficiency.

KeyMaster: Cloud-based key management with an audited, 4K image of every user accessing your system, including over 100 vendor inventory integrations. Control thousands of keys in one location.

iLot: Know who has the key or where the key is located, right from your iOS or Android device. Locate all of your vehicles with iLot Asset Tracking.

keytrack keyper keytrak keyvault

Product Categories

Dealership Management
- DMS and CRM Solutions
- Management/Operations

Dealership Process
- Inventory Management

Dealership Products
- Vehicle Inventory Mgmt