Winter Fancy Food Show 2018

Wildly Delicious Fine Foods 

Booth 590

Toronto, ON  

 It’s hard to believe that we have been playing with our food for over 20 years now.  If ignorance is bliss then we are a living testament to that adage because we knew virtually nothing about the food industry when Wildly Delicious sold its first bottles. Driven by the adrenaline rush of a new venture and a set of products that had instant public acceptance we held on tight and went for the ride of our lives.

 Throughout all this time we have seen our share of some huge successes and some really spectacular failures but more importantly, we have learned so much about something that is so fundamental to our basic existence – food. And while we have been fortunate to design and produce some really cool food lines for some of the world’s most notable companies and chefs, we never want to lose sight of the fact that food, in its simplest form, can be equally spectacular.

Product Categories

- Condiments: Full Line
- Mustards

Food Services
- Co-Packing
- Foodservice

Sauces, Seasonings, and Cooking Enhancers
- BBQ Sauce
- Grilling Sauces

Spreads & Syrups
- Dessert Toppings
- Jams