Winter Fancy Food Show 2018

Halloumi Cheese 

Booth 4237


 “Halloumi Cheese” is a campaign co financed by the EU and Cyprus. World famous white semi-hard cheese traditionally produced on the island of Cyprus. Halloumi is the main type of dairy products - cheese manufactured in Cyprus they should and has its origin. It is semi-hard cheese type and kept for some time in brine. The product currently produced both homemade level and in industrial units that operate and are developing in the country. Its use is so great and culinary use is much variety that can surprise and satisfy the most demanding consumer. Although many prefer the consumption prefer direct yet many cooked. Halloumi is said to be probably the only cheese in the world that can be used in the kitchen in so many ways. The variety is such that it can be eaten in pies and pizzas, chicken or fish, served as a garnish almost all dishes, etc. It can be sliced easily without melting and crumble and can also be sanded. It is excellent grilled and fried like. Made from sheep's milk, goat, or a mixture there of with cow. Halloumi has a pleasant smell and delicious taste characteristic during consumption.

Product Categories

- Cheese