Winter Fancy Food Show 2018

Interprofession du Gruyere 

Booth 4510


There's a reason that only one cheese has the smooth, savory flavor that Le Gruyère AOP has been known for since 1115 AD: only Le Gruyère AOP has been made in the same place (in the villages of Western Switzerland), in the same way (with raw milk from cows fed from the same grass and hay), with the same care (hand-made), from the same recipe (for centuries!), slow-aged in the same cheese cellars and caves for a minimum of 5 months.

Le Gruyère AOP is 100% natural, additive free, and naturally free of gluten and lactose. 

Product Categories

Dairy and Eggs
- Cheese

- Gluten-Free
- Lactose-Free
- Organic/Natural