Winter Fancy Food Show 2018

Caseificio Dell'Alta Langa SRL 

Booth 4535


Caseificio dell'Alta Langa is making cheese from 1992 using Piemonte Langa's old cheese recipes with a mix of sheep, goat and cow milks. Robiola cheeses (2 latti and 3 latti) have been renewed with the experience of the cheesemaker, preseving the natural origin without adding of any preservatives, food dyes, additives. The enthusiasm and passion for cheese of Merlo family is a guarantee of seriousness: in 20 years activity of Caseificio dell'Alta Langa they invented LA TUR, ROCCHETTA, ROBIOLA BOSINA and many other successful cheeses, recognised all around the world as a treasure of the Italian mixed milk dairy art. 

ALTA LANGA, over 20 years of authentic handmade cheese from Piemonte, Italy 

Product Categories

Dairy and Eggs
- Butter
- Cheese

- Functional (antioxidants)
- Organic/Natural
- Other Lifestyle