Winter Fancy Food Show 2018


Booth 3136A

Trappes, France  

Strong of our 36 years of experience, Interval is the export department of 12 French dairies in total which are all specialized in local and fine food products. Our partners all prioritize quality from quantity.

Interval is your unique spokesperson for all business operations. Our service allows you to have a direct access to 12 dairies, being able to coordinate commercial actions, trainings, while having only one sales contact : INTERVAL. 

Our ambition is to preserve and develop our French culinary heritage.
Create and duplicate a stress-free and durable business model. Share our values with the greatest number of people worldwide.

*Solidarity  *Fun

*Honesty  *Quality

*Priority to human being

*An Ever-Evolving Vision

*Action With Passion

*Daring To Change

Product Categories

Dairy and Eggs
- Cheese

Food Services
- Private Label

- Organic/Natural