Winter Fancy Food Show 2018


Booth 3136B

Brest, France  

Firstly, what does it mean ? “Paysan” is for farmers, “Breton” is for Bretagne, the region in the heart of Western France where the flagship brand of Laïta cooperative was born over 45 years ago.

Paysan Breton displays deep-rooted authenticity and values know-how with a wide range of dairy products (such as butter, whipped cream cheese, crepes, buttermilk, emmental, brie, crème fraîche…).

Thanks to its values, and the recognized quality of its products (regularly awarded with honors in France), Paysan Breton is ranked among  the top 50 leading brands in France.

Product Categories

Dairy and Eggs
- Butter
- Cheese

Food Services
- Private Label

- Organic/Natural