AAPEX 2019


Booth 3866

Southlake, TX  
      United States

Over the past 11-years Omnna has grown into a multi-market, extremely robust and successful cloud ERP platform.  We are proud to announce our newest offering in the automotive market, AutoSaaS.

In the automotive market Auto||SaaS supports every type of business including:

  • Dealers

  • OEM and Aftermarket parts distributors (WDs) and suppliers (Jobbers)

  • Collision

  • P&A

  • Service Centers

Auto||SaaS cloud platform delivers ALL of the functionality of the old systems AND has thousands of new features and functions they older platforms are incapable of implementing.

Auto||SaaS can support and work with some of the largest national chains all the way down to small-town owner/operator businesses. We charge by rooftop instead of by user saving you money while allowing you to correctly utilize audit trails. End-to-end all location cloud BI reporting provides a real-time datawarehouse for your own chain as well as aggregated peer data.

Key modules include: POS, CRM, AR/AP, Pricing, Forecasting, Reporting, Accounting, WMS, DMS, Rebate Tracking, Lost Sale Tracking, Promotion Tracking, B2B/C, Apps: for employees, drivers, sales and customers.


Product Categories

- Computer Software- distribution
- Computer Software- office
- Computer Software- shop
- eCommerce: Automotive Parts Retailing
- eCommerce: Automotive Service
- Electronic Commerce
- Shop Management Software