Euro Attractions Show 2019

Eurolockers B.V 

Booth 1945

Doesburg, --  

Keyless Lockers – Key Lockers – Coin Lockers


Eurolockers provides Electronic lockers and standard steel Lockers and is active in over 8 countries.


Electronic Lockers

 Eurolockers’ carefree locker solutions help you maximize your revenues by providing a service, increasingly asked for.

Standard  Steel Lockers

If you are looking for a basic system at your leisure venue, we also supply affordable standard lockers that can be delivered as a turning lock locker, cylindrical key locker, coin locker or a coin retrieve locker.

Product Categories

Admission/Financial Equipment
- Systems & Devices

Coin-Operated Machines (Non-Game)
- Coin-Operated Machines (Non-Game)

Security Equipment
- Lockers