ASPE 2018


Booth 2238

Ontario, CA  
      United States

The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) is recognized the world over for its American National Standards Uniform Codes. With offices in 11 states and seven countries, IAPMO has assisted globally with code development and adaptation to meet the specific regional needs. The UPC and UMC are routinely cited as versatile and easy-to-apply turn-key documents that ensure drinking water safety and sanitary waste disposal as well as sound heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems. Founded in 1926, the IAPMO Group, a nonprofit association primarily for inspectors, focuses its comprehensive capabilities in the technical aspects of the plumbing and mechanical industries through its extensive knowledge base, which includes regulators, professional contractors, labor force, and manufacturers. The IAPMO Group offers true one-stop convenience for all plumbing and mechanical code and product testing and compliance certification.

Product Categories

- Industry Association
- Media/Association