PWX 2021

BioBased Spray Systems, LLC 

Booth 426

Sidney, OH  
      United States

BioBased Spray Systems, LLC is a manufacturing company that offers USDA Bio-Preferred products.  BIORESTOR® products are offered through a dealer network for several specialized applications on asphalt pavements. 

 BIORESTOR® products were designed to assist agencies and businesses interested in asphalt rejuvenation as a better method of pavement management. 

  • Minimize Pavement Deterioration

  • Clear

  • Maximizing Lifetime Longevity

  • Cures less than a hour

  • Environmentally Safe

  • Both saving money!

Also..Do It Yourself BIORESTOR® Program..Ask How!

Product Categories

- PAVEMENT - Asphalt
- PAVEMENT - Management Programs
- PAVEMENT - Preservation
- ROADS - Maintenance