ASD Market Week July 2019

Sunday Morning Pharma 

Booth SL3014

Los Angeles, CA  
      United States

The concept for Sunday Morning Hangover Helper came when I least expected it -and from the people who could benefit from it the most. I remember it like it was yesterday. In 2012, I was working as a pharmacist-on-duty a small crowd of people came into the pharmacy and asked what to take for a hangover. I walked over to the Over The Counter section to see what I could recommend to treat the symptoms of a hangover, and found the best I could offer was an electrolyte solution and ibuprofen. When I got home that night, I searched online to see what was available and was amazed to find an array of products that were either ineffective or marginally effective — but nothing that was designed specifically to tackle a hangover the day after a night of drinking. That was the day I started my journey to discover the ultimate hangover solution, founding Sunday Morning Pharmaceuticals shortly after that. Five years later, after painstakingly fine-tuning our herbal remedy to ensure its superior quality and efficacy, we're thrilled that our homeopathic vitamin- and mineral-based hangover reliever kit is finally on the market.

Checkout our Video HERE on how to use it

Product Categories

Convenience Store
- Herbal Supplements
- Snacks / Candy / Energy / Drinks
- Travel Size / Over-the-Counter

General Merchandise
- Dollar Store Items

- Wedding / Bridal