GEAPS Exchange 2020


Booth 2413A

Winston Salem, NC  
      United States

Combustible dust can have a huge financial impact on your facility and create real dangers for your employees.  SonicAire fan systems have changed how industries deal with combustible dust.  We are the first-and only- proactive, engineered solution designed to eliminate overhead fugitive dust problems. 

New for 2020- SonicAire has released a new product line-up for 2020, with increased peformance and sound reduction technology!

We are committed to helping you control fugitive dust!  Our team will consult with you to develop a customized, engineered layout of SonicAire fans for your facility.  Our fan systems can help you to maintain regulatory compliance as well as reduce your manual cleaning expenses and required downtime for overhead cleanings.  Most importantly, we help you keep your employees safe from the dangers of combustible dust.

Product Categories

- Cleaning and Sorting Equipment
- Dust/ Pollution Control
- Safety/ Health/ Security