AAPEX 2015


Exhibitors (4)

Airosol has over 70 years experience and expertise in packaging aerosols.  In addition to our branded line, McKay and Mechanics, Airosol offers a c... More...

Opteon™ YF (HFO-1234yf) automotive refrigerant from Chemours readily meets the EU F-gas replacement, offering the best balance of properties and pe... More...

Our company Is mainly engaged in the RFONT-SIZE:10.5pt">.Currently our factory's strong product is R-134a in 340g/12ozs DOT Cans, we have the autom... More...

TSI Supercool is an ISO 9001 certified manufacturer of premium A/C chemicals including synthetic PAG, Ester, Hybrid & HFO-1234yf Compatible Lubrica... More...