2019 Annual Meeting


Exhibitors (12)

The binx health platform expands universities existing STI screening platforms to student populations not currently being reached. Our platform inc... More...

Student Health 101 is a web-based, interactive wellness program that can be customized for your school. The centerpiece of the program is a digital... More...

Mission CDC's HIV mission is to prevent HIV infection and reduce the incidence of HIV-related illness and death, in collaboration with community... More...

College Health TV is the #1 health and wellness streaming channel providing student health videos to Colleges and Universities across the U.S.  Our... More...

FutureHealth is an online health and wellness educational program that includes documentaries, exams, risk assessments, educational material, a... More...

Medicat is the market leader in providing Patient Health Management software and services to over 460 education clients in 47 states and three coun... More...

Today's Merck is working to help the world be well.  Through our medicines, vaccines, biologic therapies, and consumer and animal products, we work... More...

PD-Rx offers more than 5,000 prepackaged medications, injectables, IV, vaccines, medical and surgical supplies, creams, ointments and ophthalmic fo... More...

Believe you can make students passionate about affirmative consent while addressing Title IX?  So do we and we can help!  We are Dr. Joni Frater an... More...

TimelyMD provides thoughtful telehealth services, both medical and counseling, to improve student mental and physical health, optimize campus clini... More...

The Best Source for Innovative, Affordable and Quality Prevention Products. Working exclusively with public health agencies, non-profit organizatio... More...