Sensors Midwest 2018


Exhibitors (6)

DE Design Works is an engineering services firm specializing in napkin sketch to production product development with core competency in embedded fi... More...

Embedded Planet’s epConnect includes products like epSensors, epGateway and epCloud to help customers implement solutions for automated replenishme... More...

Haxiot is the industry leader in end to end enterprise IoT solutions. Haxiot has an extensive LoRaWAN product portfolio from high performance clien... More...

Sealevel Systems, Inc., founded in 1986, is committed to providing reliable hardware and software products to enable computer connectivity and cont... More...

Thales Visionix provides the InterSense brand of industry leading tracking products and solutions integrated into the next generation position, nav... More...

wolfSSL is an open source TLS library. wolfSSL’s products offer optimal performance, rapid integration, leverage hardware crypto and support fo... More...