SEMICON Korea 2019


Products (5)

Mechanical Dicing Saw

The dicing saw uses a high-speed spindle with blades to dice, cut or groove wafers, silicon, glasses, ceramics and many other types of materials. More...

CD Meter (CD Meter Measurement System)

CD Meter equipment, the system is purposed in measuring the critical dimension of 6th generation midsize OLED panels. More...

EUVO ™ (EUV Light Generation System)

Light source fabrication technology of EUV (13.5nm) wavelength More...


The Chiller of FST is an equipment that improves process efficiencies by constantly maintaining inside-chamber wafer and its surrounding temperatur... More...


A pellicle is a thin membrane stretched over an aluminum frame and glued to the photomask to protect it from contaminants, such as particles. More...