F&B Florida 2018

Gluten-Free: Not Just a Fad Anymore But Your Future (Room W208 A)

If you are in the restaurant business you know that gluten-free is the most frequent special request.  How well do you accommodate these customers?  Do you have a variety of options or do you offer a plain unseasoned chicken breast with steamed veggies with no extras, is this how you would like your food when you dine out? The reasons people are following the  gluten-free diets vary, and depending on why they are on the diet determines how careful you need to be.  Does this mean you should ask personal information to a customer when they make a special request, or are there easier ways to make sure you meet their needs?.
Join Marlisa Brown, Award winning Registered Dietitian, Chef and Author of 4 gluten-free books. She will take you through special requests, easy ways to modify recipes, protocol when training staff and how to set policy and procedures that work.  People follow gluten-free diets do so for far more reasons then celiac disease and many of these reasons are not going away.  Gain a deeper understanding of common mistakes, and the most successful practices.  Have all of your customers leaving your restaurant happy.