F&B LA 2019

Pitch the Press (Room Education Station - Booth 833)

26 Aug 19
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM

Tracks: Western Foodservice & Hospitality Expo

"Pitch the Press" is a unique opportunity for exhibitors to pitch their products to a group of editors and reporters looking for the most unique and innovative new products to be showcased at the Western Foodservice & Hospitality Expo. 

A group of industry press representatives will select up to 15 exhibitors to briefly present a new product or service during this one hour event. Selected exhibitors will be given two minutes to present their new product or their company, followed by a one minute Q&A. All media attending will be given a list of the presenting exhibitors for later reference and contact information. 

If you have a product that is new to the market and will be introduced at the Western Foodservice & Hospitality Expo, please provide the information below to amy@riemercommuniations.com by August 1, 2019. This information will be provided to the editors to help them prepare for the show; all submissions will help drive media to your booth, but does not guarantee a spot in the final 15. 

Information to be submitted for consideration: 

  • Name of company
  • Contact name
  • Contact email
  • Contact cell phone
  • Company Booth # 
  • Name of product
  • Product description (2-3 sentences)