2020 Medtrade

Challenges or Opportunities: How to Survive in Turbulent Times

02 Nov 20
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Tracks: Legislative, Regulatory and Legal

Prior to COVID-19, suppliers had multiple challenges to its business practices. COVID-19 resulted in CMS issuing a number of waivers related to enrollment and enforcement of local coverage decisions. In addition, medical review audits were placed on hold. These changes were effective for the duration of the public health emergency and were intended to allow suppliers to survive and care for their patients in turbulent times. These opportunities, if not handled properly, could result in enforcement action for suppliers. This session will focus on the current challenges and opportunities for DME suppliers and will offer practical tips for thriving in this environment. It will discuss the status of current enforcement actions such as audit initiatives, payment suspensions, NSC revocations, and new regulations for provider enrollment which can all be traps for the unwary.  Most importantly, the presentation will provide common sense approaches on how to respond to such issues. Understanding how to ethically and efficiently operate in turbulent times can mean the difference between thriving and having to close your doors.