2020 Medtrade

Strategic Sales Planning for 2021

03 Nov 20
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: Sales & Marketing (Conference Pass Only)

There is always uncertainty in every business, but those that choose to set a Strategic Plan are less often to come short of their goals and also demonstrate greater stability in good and bad times.  For decade's Strategic Plans and the process to develop such a plan have seemed to be unfathomable and daunting. The Process is not one that should be taken lightly, but with the proper outline, team commitment, and a regimented process to completion, your business can develop a Strategic Plan that will get you to There. We will talk directly to those that lead the sales team. Whether you are a VP, Sales Manager, or Owner; if you lead the sales team allow us to help you in constructing a plan for coming out this this COVID-19 environment and accelerate in 2021.  If you have never developed a Strategic Sales Plan or have done so in the past and are unhappy with the results, this session will provide you the tools needed to begin the process and navigate your way to the THERE of your Business Optimization Path to Success.