PCBC 2019

Caution Disruption Ahead: Don’t Become the “Blockbuster” of Your Industry (Room Lower Lobby, Room 7)

30 May 19
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM

Tracks: Affordability Solutions, Included with PCBC Passport, Land Acquisition, Development, Entitlement, Re-Think Conference

As tech giants dabble in corporate housing, self-sufficient towns and urban neighborhoods...and as startups invest heavily in R+D to disrupt how housing is built...it’s imperative for today’s architects and interior designers to engage the disruption to avoid becoming tomorrow’s industry laggards—disrupted and obsolete. In a dynamic conversation, this panel of experts will share their thoughts about the future of homebuilding and the implications of smart homes, new construction methods and materials, the sharing economy, autonomous transportation, augmented reality, and more. Topics will include: Will there be physically furnished model homes? Will tech integrations cause homes to become obsolete? Is the future dense? Will there be detached homes, and what might they look like? How will garageless homes affect floor plans? Is Surban here to stay? Can you really 3D print a home? By thinking about—and proactively entering into—the changes unfolding before us, you’ll be better equipped to adapt and reinvent your business, becoming part of the solutions and remaining relevant.

AIA CES Credit Eligible: LU 1.0 Hour(s)