PNEC 2019

Innovation to Implementation: E&P Evaluations from Theory into Practice #enterprisemanagement #collaboration #casestudy #bigdata #analytics #bestpractices #recordmanagement

Chesapeake Energy has transformed their approach to managing subsurface opportunities and technical work across the enterprise by leveraging new technologies and embracing a culture of digital collaboration. They recognized a need for increased consistency in the collection, evaluation, and assessment of all technical work generated by subsurface teams across the enterprise and proactively created digital spaces to capture work and share learnings. Managing information within an E&P company can be like trying to put out a forest fire with a garden hose. Over time, the sheer volume and complexity of the data being collected and managed has increased exponentially while the software, tools, and methodologies to tackle them have remained the same. Very often, the modern problems in managing large amounts of structured and unstructured data are difficult to successfully overcome using outdated technology. Chesapeake Energy has developed a centralized, common platform with customized and integrated applications to help in the communication, visualization, reporting and tracking of all projects from the Exploration, Geoscience Technology, Risk Consistency, and Reservoir Technology groups. Several benefits have been achieved and are distinctly evident from the now named Pegasus system. These have included: • Clarity of expectations on technical deliverables • Standardized dashboards for tracking and capturing project status • Centralized, singular source for technical guidance and tracking of all project data • Ability to easily compare, rank and evaluate all projects • Real time ‘line of sight’ into the health of the business at any point in the evaluation process or project status • Aids in the communication between the senior management and technical teams • Workflow standardization across the various cross-disciplinary teams • Enterprise views of all projects • Knowledge shared across all projects • Identification of resource constraints and project priorities This presentation will describe Chesapeake Energy’s approach to solving the modern challenges encountered in E&P data management from their initial scope and vision, implementation, results, lessons learned, and problems solved. By leveraging innovation and technology within the business, Chesapeake Energy has significantly advanced their strategic goal of achieving a consistent, technical excellence across the organization.