IFAI Expo 2019

Overhead: Knowing Your Costs so that You Actually Make Money (Room Booth 2459)

03 Oct 19
1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Tracks: Campfire: Shade and Weather Protection

What is Overhead? The mysterious and elusive figure that we are all told is extremely important, yet few of us take the time to actually understand and calculate the cost. The formulas and methods used, the obstacles in the way of obtaining accurate figures, and the reasons why this knowledge is critically important, will be discussed during this session. Attendees of this session will leave with the knowledge of the following:

A) Understanding the different overhead accounting methods and which method is best suited for our industry.
B) Identifying and overcoming the obstacles in recording accurate information.
C) knowing of the impacts of using subcontractors, overtime, or owner's labor.
D) Using this information to plan for future growth and make smarter hiring & personnel decisions.
E) Applying accurate overhead costs to your project bids to become more profitable.